Care and Caring

Grover, S., Chambers, T., & Jeffery, P. (2018). Portraits of women’s paid domestic-care labour: Ethnographic studies from globalizing India. Journal of South Asian Development, 13(2), 123-140.

Palriwala, R. (2019). Framing care: Gender, labour and governmentalities. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 26(3), 237-262.

De La Bellacasa, M. P. (2012). ‘Nothing comes without its world’: thinking with care. The sociological review, 60(2), 197-216.

FitzGerald, M. (2022). Care and the pluriverse: Rethinking global ethics. Bristol: Policy Press. Ray, P. (2019). Politics of Precarity: Gendered Subjects and the Health Care Industry in Contemporary Kolkata. Oxford University Press.

Robinson, F. (2006). Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking ‘ethical globalization’. Journal of global ethics, 2(1), 5-25.

Smith-Morris, C. (2018). Care as virtue, care as critical frame: A discussion of four recent ethnographies. Medical Anthropology, 37(5), 426-432.

Williams, F. (2012). Care relations and public policy: social justice claims and social investment frames. Families, Relationships and Societies, 1(1), 103-119.